Every now and then, you get a little day-brightner; an unsolicited bit of email that lifts you up.
Below (with his permission) I share a little "day brightner" from local community member/artist Jeffrey Ferns, who is working in support of the Home For Halloween campaign to keep the Castro safe, and also to help "spread the word" that Halloween IS for everyone.
Thanks Jeffrey!
Dear Laura Fraenza and Roberto Hernandez:
Thank you for the inspirational and informative Volunteer meeting tonight regarding Halloween 2008. I had no idea what we were in for given the recent negative press and opinions that have been circulating regarding the event. To be honest I was looking for a way to bow out or not commit myself to this event that the papers portrayed. Instead I walked away proud of the diversity and commitment of the community that sat at the table pitching in and saying “Si Se Puede” and count me in. From the Castro, the Mission, Excelsior, Bay view, West of Twin Peaks, the Sunset, Richmond and Tenderloin, the community came together from every demographic and neighborhood to do what others called impossible or isn’t their issue.
We did not discuss what could not happen we spoke of what could, we did not speak of how much money we did not have, we spoke of what we could contribute. We understand fully the challenges past and present and yes, we still moved forward with tenacity and faith in our abilities and communities. We are San Franciscans, we push back on the swell of unpopular opinion because the collective truth is firm in our hearts. The collective truth of wanting and needing to move away from fear and take back our Halloween from the violence and nay-sayers.
Tonight we began to build an “Altar” of hope community and expectation for Halloween in San Francisco. The expectation that our kids, our grandparents, our partners, our neighbors and our tourists can and will have a safe place representative of our great city to celebrate the history and community that permeates our lives. It is about celebrating diversity, it is about community and yes we have and will continue to come together to create an event worthy of being called Halloween San Francisco Style.
'nuff said.
More anon,